Daily Sayings of St. Philip Neri
St. Philip Neri encouraged his spiritual children to meditate on a spiritual maxim or saying throughout each day. St. Philip Neri had so many of these sayings that, eventually, his followers organized them so there's one for every day of the year. (All 365 are available at our blog here.)
The Sacred Art Series is promoting these excellent spiritual sayings through Email, Facebook, and Twitter. Please sign-up and adopt this daily spiritual practice. You can also help to spread these Daily Sayings by sharing them with your friends and family.

All 365 of St. Philip Neri's Daily Sayings or Maxims are available at the Sacred Art Series blog here. |
The Life of St. Philip Neri
Fr. Bacci's classic biography - newly republished in Kindle and paperback editions!
Bloomfield Books, the publisher of the Sacred Art Series, also publishes The Life of St. Philip Neri by Fr. Pietro Giacomo Bacci. (Note: Unlike our other books, this book does not contain sacred art.)
Fr. Bacci's biography of "the Apostle of Rome" is a classic regarding this beloved saint. It was first published in 1622, which was the year of Philip's canonization and just 27 years after Philip's death. Fr. Bacci was a member of the Roman Oratory, the Congregation founded by Philip, and he based his book on the Processes instituted for Philip's canonization. These Processes began just two months after Philip’s death and depended on sworn testimony from hundreds of witnesses to Philip’s extraordinary virtue and his many miracles. The Processes led to Philip’s beatification in 1615 and ultimately his canonization in 1622.
Fr. Bacci's The Life of St. Philip Neri includes six books, which we are publishing as three volumes (in both Kindle and paperback editions). See below.
In May 2018, I published a one-volume Kindle edition of all six books of The Life of St. Philip Neri. For those that prefer Kindle books, the one-volume edition is the best value.
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